"Secondly, the marriage is cancelled when the Doctor flips genders. This Doctor Who is much straighter than the one that follows"

I dunno - I think it becomes pretty straight again under Chibnall. Like I *get* the need to move on from Moffat's running story of River Song being the Doctor's Wife (especially as Husbands of... had definitively ended it) but the fact that they pointedly get that wedding ring off her finger as quickly as possible is the first warning sign that someone in BBC land is deeply uncomfortable with the idea that the Doctor might be gay. You also see this in the bizarre crowbarring in of John Bishop as a new companion when the clear move was to lean into the fan thirst for Thasmin, and the brutally awkward goodbye between them in Power of the Doctor

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Unless and until RTD nixes the Timeless Child continuity, this is surely 100% canon.

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Fatal Death is great, it's the perfect antidote to the execrable Dimensions In Time.

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