"But it’s the biggest shift in tone since... when? 1968?" When I was doing my marathon, this was the first story that really felt like the Who of my childhood. It kind of all begins here. (Although G*r*th R*b*rts - I know! I know! - is right that it's "Carnival of Monsters" that Changes Everything.
"But it’s the biggest shift in tone since... when? 1968?" When I was doing my marathon, this was the first story that really felt like the Who of my childhood. It kind of all begins here. (Although G*r*th R*b*rts - I know! I know! - is right that it's "Carnival of Monsters" that Changes Everything.
Big Finish's Voyage To Venus explained why GRYMG's tune arrived on Venus.
SPOILER (ROT13): Wntb & Yvgrsbbg fnat vg gb cynpngr n ureq bs Funatubeaf gb fgbc gurz fgnzcrqvat.