In which, oh good, it’s the f***ing cybermen again, great stuff. Oh, also, UNIT arrives at last.
IE headquarters is Millbank Tower/30 Millbank, next door to Tate Britain. Tobias Vaughn isn’t even the worst tenant it’s ever had, since the Conservative Party used to have their headquarters there.
'Isobel spending so much on a camera she can’t afford a model seems a stupid business plan to me.'
You can't convince a camera to work for exposure.
“Why is Jamie barely in this one?”
Episode Eight was Frazer’s week off, but he’d already done pre-filming innit.
The score is on CD, Apple Music and Spotify and these days probably vinyl.
IE headquarters is Millbank Tower/30 Millbank, next door to Tate Britain. Tobias Vaughn isn’t even the worst tenant it’s ever had, since the Conservative Party used to have their headquarters there.
'Isobel spending so much on a camera she can’t afford a model seems a stupid business plan to me.'
You can't convince a camera to work for exposure.
“Why is Jamie barely in this one?”
Episode Eight was Frazer’s week off, but he’d already done pre-filming innit.
The score is on CD, Apple Music and Spotify and these days probably vinyl.