The really incomprehensible thing about the robot Doctor episode is that it would have been perfectly possible to have the robot played by Hartnell himself (except for the fight scene, where you could use a double but not show his face). Indeed, one scene is even written specifically so as to allow time for Hartnell to go off screen, nip round the back and reappear as the robot. But the director just... casts someone who looks nothing like Hartnell to play the robot duplicate.

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Moffat was 3 and a half when this was shown, which might suggest he was influenced by seeing it later or, possibly, that he was extremely precocious. The memory and subconscious can do strange things. I certainly must have seen "Who" when I was 3, but I do remember suggesting that the the Wendy house at play school could be the TARDIS, when I was nearly 5...

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