Finding some of the takes interesting where I remember how I reacted at the time - the first section of the Eleventh Hour almost put me off completely and I loved this at the time even if I can see the problems you mention in hindsight (in particular going "hmmm" at the amatonormativity of the save you mention).

Still a bit disappointed you didn't mention the Attlee reference though

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Before any of S5 aired, a friend with In The Know contacts told me that this one was going to be the big classic that blows everyone away. What the HELL happened?

When it aired, I was so utterly disappointed with how much of a tepid, nothingy mess this was I seem to remember prematurely declaring online that the Moffat era was looking like it was going to be a disaster, as much as I thought The Eleventh Hour was *PERFECT*. Thankfully we were back on track a week later. Also, this was partially saved by the callbacks in the brilliant pre-credits of The Pandorica Opens.

If memory serves, this was the first episode that Matt and the new team filmed - Gallifrey Base went into meltdown when an audio recording of a poorly delivered take from Matt leaked ("I am the Doctor and you are the Daaaaaleks") and there was a universal feeling of panic that the new guy was going to be a massive dud. Thankfully this wasn't the case and Matt became (imo) possibly the best Doctor of them all.

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